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Medication Management

Medication management, also known as medication therapy management or MTM, is the process of helping patients take medications in the proper dosages and on schedule. It also involves determining if medications are beneficial for the patient.

All patients must understand how and when to take their medications to stay safe and see the best outcomes. Medication management is especially important for patients taking multiple medications at once. These patients may need help deciding the best time to take their medications throughout the day.

Even if a patient isn’t on several medications, they’ll need to plan the best time to take their medicine, especially if they’re still active at work or school. For patients to keep their disorder under control, the medication must be taken at the exact time it’s needed.

What Is MTM and What Does It Entail?

MTM is a comprehensive approach that encompasses a range of services. It aims to ensure patients benefit from their prescriptions and may include:

  • Creating a treatment plan focused on a patient’s medication goals
  • Reviewing a patient’s medical and medication history to ensure safety
  • Assisting patients in taking their prescribed medicines so they take them in the proper dosages at the correct times consistently
  • Overseeing medications to help prevent side effects and ensure that the medicines work as they should

At Advanced Psychiatry Associates, we go beyond merely providing reminders to take medication. We know that people suffering from mental health disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, substance use disorder or Alzheimer’s disease may need reminders, encouragement and sometimes physical assistance to help them take their medications properly. We provide compassionate and knowledgeable oversight to patients who need help self-administering prescribed drugs.

In addition, our caring team of psychiatrists and nurse practitioners work with patients to determine the most effective medications for their condition. Whether you have a mental health disorder, struggle with substance abuse or experience chronic pain, we’ll ensure you’re on the right track with your medication.

Who Needs Medication Management Assistance?

Anyone seeking treatment for a mental health condition needs assistance with medication management. Medication management is also essential for:

Without MTM, non-adherence to prescription medicine could occur if the patient:

  • Fails to fill a prescription initially
  • Fails to refill the prescription
  • Stops using the medication before the time the therapy is completed
  • Refuses to keep taking medication for a chronic condition such as bipolar disorder
  • Takes a higher or lower amount than what was prescribed
  • Does not take the right dose at the correct time

4 Benefits of Medication Management

MTM keeps patients safe. It helps prevent adverse reactions and hospitalizations, protecting patients’ health and saving them from costly hospital bills. Overall, the benefits of medication management include:

  • Have peace of mind: A patient’s family can rest assured knowing medical professionals are monitoring their loved one’s medications and looking out for side effects or misuse. Likewise, patients can have peace of mind knowing they’re taking medications safely and in the most effective way.
  • Find the right dose: Finding the correct dose and medication for treating a mental health disorder and any co-occurring condition can take time. MTM focuses on getting medications right for the patient based on their body’s needs.
  • Reach treatment goals: Working closely with a psychiatrist allows patients to discuss their concerns and medication-related issues. With MTM, they develop a collaborative partnership with their health care providers to reach treatment goals and achieve the best outcomes possible.
  • Be more engaged and satisfied: MTM empowers patients to understand their medications and participate in their care. They can also expect to spend less time and money on medication issues and feel more satisfied with their treatment.

How to Choose the Best Psychiatric Medication Management Program for You

If you or your loved one need assistance managing psychiatric medications, pick a facility carefully. Medication management is an ongoing process, so you’ll want to select doctors you feel comfortable around. It’s also important to seek care from people you trust.

When searching for medication management services, be ready to ask the following questions:

  • Can my family participate in my care?
  • Does my insurance cover your services?
  • What training, experience and credentials do you have?
  • Do you have experience serving patients with my condition?
  • When are you available for appointments, and how long do they typically last?
  • Who can I contact with questions or concerns?
  • What does MTM involve at your facility?
  • How do you monitor medications?
  • Will other specialists be involved in my care?
  • What do you expect to accomplish with MTM?

Contact Us for Trusted Medication Management Services in California

If you’re taking medication to treat a mental health disorder, addiction or pain, don’t do it alone. Seek a doctor’s guidance to ensure your medicine is working as intended and being taken safely.

Reach out to us at Advanced Psychiatry Associates. We offer a medication management program to help you take control of your medications and achieve your treatment goals. Our compassionate team has many years of experience helping patients with various mental health conditions live happier, more productive lives.

We also work with most major insurers, including Medicare, HMOs and workers’ compensation plans. Our knowledgeable staff will gladly assist you if you have any questions about insurance or our services.

To learn more about the medication management services available at Advanced Psychiatry Associates, give us a call or complete our online form to schedule an appointment.