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Almost everyone experiences random and intrusive thoughts. Most people can dismiss them and move on. Others may become trapped by these thoughts, obsessing over them and engaging in repetitive impulses, urges or compulsions. People with these thoughts and actions likely have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Do you suspect you or a loved one has OCD? Receiving treatment can help you manage symptoms and learn coping mechanisms to make life easier. If you need OCD treatment in Northern or Southern California, Advanced Psychiatry Associates can help. We offer treatment for people with OCD to ensure they have a support system and tools to help them lead happier lives.

What Does OCD Feel Like?

OCD is a mental health illness closely related to anxiety. The condition makes individuals have an overwhelming amount of uncontrollable, intrusive and obsessive thoughts that consume them, and some of the only ways to soothe the thoughts are through illogical compulsive behaviors. Compulsions and obsessions can take up an individual’s time and cause significant mental and physical distress or discomfort. Thoughts may cause intense feelings of fear, doubt and disgust.

When trying to explain OCD, it can be hard for people without it to understand because of the condition’s nuances. Often, individuals with OCD feel like they have no control over their brain and mind because their tendencies have them focused on behaving or doing things “just right” to mitigate the likelihood that their anxious thoughts will become a reality. Individuals with OCD know their habits and thoughts are irrational, but their condition makes quitting difficult.

Types and Symptoms of OCD

There aren’t official OCD types, but some symptoms occur so often with people experiencing similar things that some kinds of OCD fall into categories, such as:

  • Germs and contamination
  • Sexual or aggressive thoughts
  • Religion and morality
  • Fear OCD
  • Symmetry and order
  • Responsibility OCD

As a result of various OCD types, people with OCD may experience symptoms like:

  • Concerns about contamination
  • Intense stress about the order and symmetry of objects
  • Unpleasant and unwanted sexual images or thoughts
  • Repeatedly checking if you’ve locked your doors
  • Washing your hands until the skin becomes raw
  • Counting in specific patterns

Symptom severity depends on the person, but every symptom a person experiences is time-consuming and unwanted. If you are experiencing or struggling with OCD symptoms, work with the professionals at Advanced Psychiatry Associates to learn coping mechanisms that can provide relief.

Treating OCD for Adults and Teens

Our psychiatrist specializing in OCD provides a diagnosis, counseling plan and medications necessary to help you or a loved one manage the condition. While most people with OCD demonstrate signs of the disease during childhood, it is often not diagnosed until early adulthood.

The unique approach used by Advanced Psychiatry Associates assists patients who need immediate and long-term assistance in a caring environment. We serve patients across Northern and Southern California, including those from Elk Grove, Folsom and Roseville. Our facility is the largest in the area, and no one else in the surrounding four counties takes the same approach to treatment as we do.

We are a one-stop location where you can receive treatment and support to succeed. You or a loved one can get everything you need here in treating your OCD. We address a range of concerns with our on-site facilities. Just a few of our capabilities include:

Our team gets to know our patients to offer personalized care. We create patient plans based on individual needs and never take a one-size-fits-all approach. Plus, we accept all major insurance providers as well as Medicaid and workers’ compensation benefits. If you want to pay in cash, you can — we make our system as flexible and responsive as possible to give the support you or a loved one need.

Contact Our Team Today to Schedule an Appointment

OCD therapy in California can help you or someone you love control symptoms and shift thinking, so impulses no longer rule the day. Seeking aid can change someone’s life for the better.

If you think you or a loved one may suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, seek treatment at our facilities in California. Contact us today by filling out our online contact form, calling one of our nine locations, or using our online chat function, located in the bottom left of the page. We are here to offer obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment in California when you are ready.